WTF is this! thats not right!
not right at all, 1)put an effort to draw Kazaa. 2)if there are viruses in kazaa, your anti viruse would find it while you download it. 3)if you don't have an anti viruse download one. 4)get kazaa lite its free, no adds, butter sevice and more. 5)kazaa was always better than Morpheus 6)no one uses Morpheus since they made it just like Limewire. 7)Limewire is full of mac users. 8)kazaa uses a lot of system resoures so have a good cumputer. 9)you should have Windows Me or higher, because they work. 10)your obviously not a computer nerd 11)good luck with that game, hope is ok 12)your right you have to much time on your hands.